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Health & Nutrition

no child is born to die!!

One in two children below 5 years of age is anaemic, and one in three children are stunted as well underweight in the country. Further, 34 children in every 100 children die before completing their 1st birthday (SRS, 2018). These statistics are alarming and seek our attention to ensure that every child lives a healthy life. 

Training of frontline workers

Regular training cum meeting with ANM, Aanganwadi, and ASHA workers to build their capacity and enhance their skills so that they can effectively disseminate health and nutrition-related information to community members

Support in community level activities 

Field level support to health and ICDS stakeholders in organizing and strengthening community-level activities such as village health, sanitation & nutrition day (VHSND), Annprashan day, and so on

Co-ordination among departments

We ensure to establish effective coordination among all concerned departments such as health, ICDS, education, sanitation, village panchayat etc

Community Meeting

Creating awareness about nutrition and health-related behaviours through community meetings

Support to Anganwadi centers

We ensure that children enrolled in Aanganwadi centers receive nutritious food

Adolescents Girls Meeting

Support to ICDS and Health departments in organizing regular adolescent meetings

Linking outreach and facility

For the good health and well-being of children, we ensure to establish a link between community and health facility

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