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Early Childhood Development (ECD)

(The early moments matter a lot for every child to reach their full potential. One in every three children under five years of age does not reach their developmental potential.)

Early childhood (0–8 years), particularly the period from conception to age 3, is the most remarkable era of growth and development in a child's lifespan. The brain grows faster than at any other time during this period, and 80% of a baby's brain is developed by this age. A baby's brain development affects their physical, intellectual, and emotional well-being, learning potential, and, as a result, earning capacity and success in adulthood.

For healthy brain development in these years, children need a safe, secure, and loving environment with the right nutrition and stimulation from their parents or caregivers. This is a window of opportunity to lay a foundation of health and well-being whose benefits last a lifetime – and carry into the next generation

Over 43% of children under the age of five are at risk of not fulfilling their full developmental potential.

The early childhood period encompasses several quite distinct phases: from ‘conception to birth’ and from ‘birth to 3 years, with emphasis on the first 1,000 days (from conception to 24 months), followed by the ‘preschool and pre-primary years (3 years to the age of school entry). 

The goal of ECD is that all young children, especially the most vulnerable, from conception to the age of school entry, reach their full developmental potential.

Premanu Foundation supports frontline workers to engage and counsel parents on providing nurturing care, responsive feeding, early stimulation, and support for children’s learning at home. In addition to assisting frontline workers, we assure the delivery of high-quality early childhood education.

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